Visit Šumadija and Pomoravlje


An undiscovered and authentic destination for a short vacation with the enjoyment and experience of Serbian history, gastronomy and landscape in the company of the hosts. The experience of a real Serbia.

A true Serbia experience.

The area of ​​Šumadija and Pomoravlje, located in central Serbia, is represented by 2 administrative districts with 13 cities and municipalities. The landscape is characterized by forests, green hills, orchards and vineyards of Šumadija in the west and the lowlands of the river Morava in the eastern part. Kragujevac (178,368 inhabitants) is the urban centre of the region, about 140 km or 1.5 hours drive from Belgrade.

Unique values ​​of the destination

Kings / Serbian dynasties
Stories written in the history of Serbian dynasties, especially Karadjordjevic and Obrenovic, evoke how life was in the past, but they also teach us about the development of the Serbian state.
Wine and brandy
This destination houses some of the oldest wineries in Serbia that produce wines with a geographical origin from indigenous varieties (Prokupac), and fruit brandies, especially plum brandy from Šumadija and Pomoravlje, have long been well known for their quality.
Authenticity of real Serbia
For tourists, we remain original through our historical, cultural and industrial heritage, in which we have often been pioneers throughout history (the oldest high school and theatre in Serbia, industrialization, the first Serbian fighter pilot, traditional creativity, etc.), but also through hospitality and kindness. household houses.
Undiscovered destination
Undiscovered parts of nature, culture, rural landscapes: forests, mountains, caves, vineyards and orchards, traditional villages and various attractions, represent ŠiP as the most beautiful landscape of central Serbia.


Neotkrivena i autentična destinacija za kratak odmor uz uživanje i iskustvo srpske istorije, gastronomije i pejzaža u društvu domaćina. Iskustvo prave Srbije. 
A true Serbia experience.
Područje Šumadije i Pomoravlja smešteno u centralnoj Srbiji, predstavlja 2 upravna okruga sa 13 gradova i opština. Predeo karakterišu šume, zelena brda, voćnjaci i vinogradi Šumadije na zapadu i nizina reke Morave na istočnom delu. Kragujevac (178.368 stanovnika) predstavlja urbani centar regiona, udaljen oko 140 km ili 1,5 sati vožnje od Beograda.

Jedinstvene vrednosti destinacije

Kraljevi / srpske dinastije 
Priče koje piše istorija srpskih dinastija, posebno Karađorđevića i Obrenovića, dočaravaju kako se živelo u prošlim vremenima, ali nas uče i o razvoju srpske države.
Vino i rakija
U ovoj destinaciji su smeštene neke od najstarijih vinarija u Srbiji koje proizvode vina sa geografskim poreklom od autohtonih sorti (prokupac), a voćne rakije, posebno šljivovica iz Šumadije i Pomoravlja su odavno dobro poznate po svom kvalitetu.
Autentičnost prave Srbije 
Za turiste ostajemo originalni kroz naše istorijsko, kulturno i industrijsko nasleđe, u kojem smo kroz istoriju bili neretko pioniri (najstarija gimnazija i teatar u Srbiji, industrijalizacija, prvi srpski borbeni pilot, tradicionalno stvaralaštvo, itd.), ali takođe i kroz gostoprimstvo i ljubaznost domaćinske kuće.
Neotkrivena destinacija
Neotkriveni delovi prirode, kultura, ruralni pejzaži: šume, planine, pećine, vinogradi i voćnjaci, tradicionalna sela i raznovrsne atrakcije, predstavljaju ŠiP kao najlepši predeo centralne Srbije.

 “Projekat se realizuje kao pilot u okviru projekta „#EUzaTebe - za kulturno nasleđe i turizam“ koji finansiraju Evropska unija i nemačko Savezno ministarstvo za ekonomsku saradnju i razvoj, a sprovodi Nemačka organizacija za međunarodnu saradnju GIZ”

"The project is being implemented as a pilot within the framework of the "#EU for You - for Cultural Heritage and Tourism" project, funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and executed by the German Organization for International Cooperation, GIZ."